Yes, it's been a long time since I've posted and when thinking of what to come back and write , I went to a quote that coincidentally I posted where I left off! I was surprised that I keep coming back to the same quote:
Commitment "If you don't wake up with something in your stomach every day that makes you think, "I want to make this movie," it'll never get made." -Sherry Lansing
A lot has been going on these past few weeks that has taken me away from this blog. Kids, work, spring cleaning, baseball, golf and gardening ( time to pull those spring weeds ).
I also attended a wonderful celebration of life for a friend of mine who was an intricate part of my son's baseball network for years. She passed away after an illness and left her son in jr. high, and daughter in high school. Her children did a beautiful job during the service in writing something beautiful to their mother. I walked away from that celebration thinking, " how are my children going to remember me when I'm gone?"
It really made me step back and look at how I was prioritizing my days. What was important to all of us? Do my children really know that I care about them? How do I show that I care?
What type of movie am I making for all us to look back and enjoy viewing? Lot of questions started to pop up and therefore I've been working on a lot of stuff!
I also made a list at the beginning of the year on some things I wanted to do before the year was over. How time has flown! Some of them I've completed but one of them was to master these cinnamon rolls at the top of the page! Have I even broken out the yeast yet? No! I have a lot to do.
I also do a lot of blog watching and I am amazed how these women are able to post every day! Wow! Such a commitment to their blog! I was putting a lot of pressure on myself and this blog.
So... I've made a new commitment to leave you something here every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I'll be sharing some motivating and inspirational messages and quotes, but also some new material that has been of interest to me which I hope you'll find interesting.
Stay tuned... and take a moment to look at the movie you are creating.