Thursday, September 30, 2010

Solitary Confinement

We're all of us sentenced to solitary confinement inside our own skins, for life!"-

Tennessee Williams, Orpheus Descending

Wow, a good reminder that we we have to live with ourselves!

How do you treat yourself? Kind, Forgiving, Critical or Demanding?

Take a moment and think about it.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


"Eden is that old-fashioned house
we dwell in every day
Without suspecting our abode
until we drive away"
- Emily Dickinson
Have a wonderful Tuesday!

Monday, September 27, 2010


This weekend at my CSA pick up I noticed that the produce is shifting. No more zucchini! I love zucchini but was getting tired of finding new recipes! We finally got corn.... eight ears! It made my son very happy! Fall is definitely here.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

10 K Walk

On Saturday I participated in a Volksmarch in the city of New Castle which is 30 minutes from my home. What is a Volksmarch? It is an organized walk sponsored by a local chapter for the public. You can either walk for free of for credit. Saturday's walk you could choose a 5K or 10K. As you can see by the pictures if was a perfect fall day and I went for the 10K since I had the time. These are very fun, great exercise, and I saw trails that I never knew existed.
To find a chapter in your area click this link for more information!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


"Every dog has its day, but it's not every dog that knows when he's having it."-
Winifred Gordon, A Book of Days (1910)
Is today your day? Sure! Why not? Would you know it was your day when you were having it?
Be present and aware!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Genetically Modified Salmon?

I don't know if you've heard of this story yet in the news but it is darn right scary! How would you like to eat a "Frankenfish"? A genetically modified salmon? Well... the FDA is meeting to discuss this possibility

If OK'd the salmon will be the first genetically modified animal permitted by the FDA
Injected growth hormones make the fish reach maturity in half the growth time.

A company, AquAdvantage Salmon, has injected growth hormones into Atlantic salmon that enable the fish to reach maturity in half the normal growth time, 16 to 18 months, rather than 30 months.

I don't know about you but haven't we been injecting a growth hormone into cattle now for some time? Look what it's done to our milk supply and meat?

Living in the Pacific Northwest this entire Salmon issue seems unreal. There have been a lot written about genetically modified animals and crops and it is not helping the health issues of Americans.

If they are going to offer "Frankenfish" in the store it should be labeled so that you are informed and have a choice.

Personally I think that more people are going to elect to shop at PCC and Whole Foods for their meat and seafood.

Please stay on this issue so you can make informed choices for yourself and family

Here is the link to the CNN story

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


With the beginning of fall comes bulb planting! This weekend I ran into my garden store to see all that was being offered so that I could make my list for a purchase this weekend! I don't plan out where things are going but every year I plant more bulbs of different varieties. It's not a very fun job but when spring comes I'm always glad I took the time.
This year I'm thinking of hosting a neighborhood bulb planting party one morning. Of course we need to jockey kids sport schedules and rain.... but I think we can make it work!
What is your favorite bulb to plant?

Monday, September 20, 2010


Our weekend was incredibly busy and we finished it off with my son's Boy Scout Court of Honor. This is a ceremony where we honor and celebrate the accomplishments and rank advancements of the boys in the troop. It really is nice as they get older to see them all growing and accepting new challenges. So many times we recognize everyone in the group and they get a trophy. This is nice because the boys who are recognized really deserve the recognition.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Last of summer

You could tell at the farm this evening that summer has ended. The rain has started to beat up the flowers and there are less of them blooming. The basil is just about toast but the Swiss chard is still going strong! If you want a crop that lives the entire summer, plant Swiss chard! It was sad to think that this may be my last week to go out in the fields to cut flowers so I took it upon myself to gather as many as I could without looking like the hoarder of flowers! Came home and filled up most of my vases. There are still four weeks left for heading out to the farm for my weekly basket of veggies. I'll sure miss it when it's over.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

2011 Calendars!

I am a sucker for anything letterpress!
This time of year the 2011 calendars are being rolled out and this one I had to have for next year. It will look great in my home office.
You can find this calendar and all sorts of wonderful letterpress cards, calendars and coasters at

Monday, September 6, 2010


There is no reality except the one contained within us. That is why so many people live such an unreal life. They take the images outside them for reality and never allow the world within to assert itself."
-Hermann Hesse
I saw this quote and loved it! How many times do we mistake what is real? Do we trust what lies within ourselves to be reality? What type of reality are creating for yourself?

Saturday, September 4, 2010


We've all been asking ourselves: "where has the time gone? " September has rolled into Seattle and our hot days have turned into rainy mornings which brings me back to the computer and all those indoor chores.

I look at my blog and think... you haven't posted since August 22nd? What have you been doing with yourself? Well.... I've been enjoying summer and getting teens ready for back to school and starting all their athletics.

Here are just some snapshots of what has been happening! We've been having a good time.
More good books checked out from the library and I'll be sharing those with you soon.
Enjoy your Labor Day Weekend!